Rough cut feedback
What feedback did I receive from the class?
The main part I needed to change about my rough cut was the sound and credits. When we saved this rough cut, we made sure to put simple credits in it to show where and when they would be in the film, however we had not yet figured out what they would look like and creatively put them into the opening. I will change the credits and experiment using Aftereffects to create a nice effect and make them look like they are in the footage, by putting them at an angle or behind an object.
The sound is something me and Olivia will change. In the rough cut, we tried making the music fade in when the characters started the car, but it cut out halfway through the rest of the film, so this will be changed in our final edit. Another aspect that needed changing was the colour correcting with the blood. In some of the shots, the blood didn't stand out from the other colours and objects (which we didn't want as we needed to really highlight the red imagery).
Zach's feedback for my rough cut ^
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